Monday, October 15, 2007

New York attendance

Anyone else wonder why more isn't written about New York's absolutely pathetic attendance? The Wizards are a regular punching bag for fans around the league -- in particular Jamie Trecker, who wrote in 2004 that the Wizards would be relocated. Um, they're still here.

Yes, the Wizards don't currently draw well, averaging 11,586 a game. But New York is more than 10 times the size of KC and the Red Bulls are bringing in 16,583 a game. That's bloated because of the 66,000 on hand for the Beckham game. Just 16K in New York? Are you kidding me? In a town that size?

There were only 20,083 on hand Saturday for the Red Bulls' key game against the Wizards. Some will say wait until the Red Bulls move into their own stadium, that'll help attendance. Well, hey, ditto for KC.

Actually, maybe MLS should move the Red Bulls to St. Louis. I heard there's a waiting fan base there, right?


gnupate said...

If 16+K is a bloated attendance figure, and NYRB pulled in 20+K for the game against KC, I'm not sure where you're coming from with this. It sounds like they're improving. (Not that they couldn't do better.)

Hopefully KC does succeed, both before and after you guys get your SSC. Knocking another club that seems to be improving doesn't help though.

Unknown said...

A little perspective.....the KC game wasn't a key game for RBNY - they had already clinched a spot - however it was a key game for KC. Also remember there is a hell of a lot more entertainment options in the NYC market than there is in KC, and finally - KC is the only team that I have seen at Giants Stadium this year that didn't appear to have ANY traveling fans. I didn't see even one... please don't try to make a comparison and then talk about how much bigger New York is. 20,000 is better than many Serie A teams.

Mike said...

really? none Jack? Cause I personally know quite a few fans that went to the game in NY.

Anonymous said...

Personally, Pete, I don't think you have room to knock ANY team in MLS. You aren't even really a fan. The Star's coverage of the Wizards and MLS in general is PATHETIC. We maybe get three articles a week when KC has a game, one covering the pre-game, one for post-game, and one sometime during the week when you get a column of space on page 9 (but not on Chiefs Monday). Why did you even start a blog?

Anonymous said...

perhaps this blog is an outlet for additional coverage?? i would like to think we wizards fans would embrace this sort of effort -- i mean, this is something pete is doing out of his own good will, not being compensated for by the star (who has to be one of the last major metros not to have any sports blogs).

szazzy said...

The 20k figure was nice to see out of NY last week, and it seems the 66k has provided a bump for the rest of the year.

Pete's right though - for last year and a lot of this year, NY's attendance really struggled.

I think Red Bull was in KC's situation last year. New ownership, struggling to get ahold of everything that comes along with a new organization. They've made improvements in 2007, and I'm hoping OnGoal can show gains in year 2 as well - even if avg attendance is smaller due to the stadium.